
Doctors and surgeons updating professional liver transplant techniquesThis training course was taugh giải serie b

【giải serie b】Training on professional liver transplant techniques at Hue Central Hospital

Doctors and surgeons updating professional liver transplant techniques

This giải serie btraining course was taught by two professors, Dr. Dai Hoon Han and Dr. Dong Jin Joo from Yonsei University-Korea; these two doctors exchanged contents consisting of evaluating and preparing liver donor while alive; tasks from laboratory test, anesthesia, resuscitation to how to cultivate the donor’s liver as well as delivering it into recipient’s body.

In addition, these Korean professors conducted the exchange of practical experiences at the liver transplant surgery room through "hands-on" training for doctors and surgeons participating in the training course.

After the training course, Hue Central Hospital will send its members to Korea to continue updating advanced techniques to regularly implement liver transplant techniques at the unit in the coming time.

Prof. Pham Nhu Hiep, Director of Hue Central Hospital, said that besides organizing training courses, Yonsei University - Korea would appoint leading experts to participate in the consultation to improve the capacity as well as the professionalism of the team of medical doctors, surgeons in the field of professional liver transplant in Hue Central Hospital.

News, photo: Minh Truong



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